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If you live in Switzerland its daily business that you need frontend forms with 2 to 4 localizations. The received data has to be sent to the your client and their customer, a database and some export functions are nice too. Sounds easy but is quite a journey. And the documentation is not complete enough for dummies and far too complicated. In forums you find a lot of different advices, impossible for dummies like me too. I'm glad I have a good friend coaching me through this. I hope I can help with some challenges I had and have cost me too much lifetime. Lets say we make kind of contact form: **Affected files overviews** ``` - plugins - - YourName - - - your Plugin - - - - components - - - - models - - - - etc - themes - - your Theme - - - assets - - - - bootstraps css combined with your own css - - - pages - - - - layout - - - - - your layout - - - - - your form - - - - partials - - - - - your scripts ``` **Used WinterCMS Setting Pages** - Translations (input labels, validation messages, flash message) - Mail Templates (mail template and contents) - Mail Settings (SMTP connection) - Administrators (setting the rights to edit data) **Dependencies in this example** - Translate Plugin - Pages Plugin - Bootstrap 5 - (Builder Plugin: recommend for easy plugin construction) - jquery if not used from the WinterCMS itself) **The page, where the form is located** ``` title = "Contact" url = "/contact" layout = "default" is_hidden = 0 // NOTE: Its easier not make localized urls. Urls like /de/contact, /en/contact, /fr/contact is not such an issue and its practical as the marketing can use the shortcut /contact and the user lands automatically on the form in his browser language. Nice! == <?php use \YourName\YourPlugin\Models\Contact; use RainLab\Translate\Models\Message; use Mail //////// Ajax request through data-request="onHandleForm" // Function has to start with "on", the rest is free but camelcase is needed function onHandleForm() { //////// Fill one entry of your model Contact with all form fields and save it into your Model. // Tip: use same code for database field, input name, input id and translations keys to keep overview and minimize typos $item = new Item(Input::all()); $item->save(); // define hidden fields here before save() and not in the form f.e.: // $item->created_at = Carbon\Carbon::now(); // $item->editstate_id = 1; etc... // if something is wrong here you get an exception // define validation fields also before save() here like this: // translate them late in the corresponding system settings page of WinterCMS $item->customMessages = [ 'firstname.required' => Message::trans('contactform.errors.firstname_required'), 'lastname.required' => Message::trans('contactform.errors.lastname_required'), 'email.required' => Message::trans('contactform.errors.email_required'), 'email.email' => Message::trans('contactform.email_email'), etc... ]; //////// Send Mails to client and perhaps his customer // First get the fields you want to use in your mail template, f.e. // the key of the mail template ('yourname.forms:...etc.') is totally free. // use your logical labeling system: $vars = [ 'created_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now(), 'firstname' => Input::get('firstname'), 'lastname' => Input::get('lastname'), 'email' => Input::get('email') ]; Mail::send('yourname.forms::yourplugin.data', $vars, function($message) { $message->to('yourclient@hiscompany.com', 'CompanyName'); $message->from('noreply@hiscompany.com', 'Website System'); }); Mail::send('yourname.forms::yourplugin', $vars, function($message) { $message->to(Input::get('email'), ''); $message->from('noreply@hiscompany.com', 'CompanyName'); }); $this['sent'] = true; ////// Flash Message. The user should now that submitting worked. // direct or localized, translation key according to your own logic: Flash::success('Hey User, your did it!'); or: Flash::success(Message::trans('contactform.flashmessage')); // want to send the user to another page after submitting? Then: return Redirect::to('/whateverpageyoulike'); } ?> == ////// Your client perhaps wants to edit the intro text in all languages.... {% content 'contact-intro' %} /////// The Form: put o the Ajax Functions you want with data-xx <form class="" novalidate data-request="onHandleForm" data-request-files data-request-validate data-request-flash> // you can show everywhere the overview of validation error messages like this: // at the same time the field with error gets red and has the message underneath it to here. <div class="alert alert-danger" data-validate-error> <p data-message></p> </div> // just some examples <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-3"> <label for="firstname">{{ 'contactform.label.firstname'|_ }} *</label> <input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" class="form-control"> <div class="form-text text-danger" data-validate-for="firstname"></div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-3"> <label for="lastname">{{ 'contactform.label.lastname'|_ }} *</label> <input type="text" id="lastname" name="lastname" class="form-control"> <div class="form-text text-danger" data-validate-for="lastname"></div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-3"> <label for="email">{{ 'contactform.label.email'|_ }} *</label> <input type="text" id="email" name="email" class="form-control"> <div class="form-text text-danger" data-validate-for="email"></div> </div> <p> {{ 'contactform.label.fileuploads'|_ }} </p> <div class="col-12 py-4"> <input id="files" type="file" name="files[]" multiple accept="application/pdf"> <div class="form-text text-danger" data-validate-for="files"></div> </div> <div class="col-12 text-center pt-3"> <button id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" data-attach-loading> {{ 'contactform.label.submit'|_ }} </button> </div> </form> ////// here we have to add the script for the validation magic // attention, every Bootstrap version can have different class names here... this 5. {% put scripts %} <script> $(window).on('ajaxInvalidField', function(event, fieldElement, fieldName, errorMsg, isFirst) { $(fieldElement).closest('.form-control').addClass('is-invalid'); }); $(document).on('ajaxPromise', '[data-request]', function() { $(this).closest('form').find('.form-control.is-invalid').removeClass('is-invalid'); }); </script> {% endput %} ``` I hope you still can follow till here. As a dummy I still understand whats happening in this Laravel Code, wuu... **Layout Files and Scripts** I order to have the flash message working you need to add this code right before your body end tag. jQuery can be loaded from the WinterCMS directly too. Attention: The order is crucial here!!! ``` {% flash %} <p data-control="flash-message" class="flash-message fade {{ type }}" data-interval="10"> {{ message }} </p> {% endflash %} <script src="{{ 'assets/.../jquery.js'|theme }}"></script> or <script src="{{ 'assets/vendor/jquery.js'|theme }}"></script> {% framework extras %} ``` **Layout Files and Scripts** If your not familiar how to create a plugin, learn that first. Here whats crucial for Model.php f.e. Contact.php in our example ``` <?php namespace YourName\YourPlugin\Models; use Model; use System\Models\File; use DB; use YourName\YourPlugin\Models\SomeSecondModelforCheckboxesOrDropwdowns; class Contact extends Model { use \Winter\Storm\Database\Traits\Validation; public $table = 'yourname_yourplugin_contact'; //////// Validation // first the hidden fields with guarded // then the validation rules //max:number helps against bots that want to flood our databse public $guarded = ['id', 'updated_at', 'created_at', 'editstate_id']; // thats the hidden field public $rules = [ 'firstname' => 'required|max:80', 'lastname' => 'required|max:20', 'email' => 'email|required|max:30', ]; //thats needed to, don't know why public $customMessages = []; //Relations public $belongsToMany = [ 'yoursecondmodels' => [ YoursecondModel::class, 'table' => 'yourname_yourplugin_contact_somethingelse' ] ]; public $attachMany = [ 'files' => File::class, ]; } ``` **Dropdown with selection from a second model** Can easily be done with building a component. The default.htm would be like this. Also see the Twig documentation for sorting or use the reorder functionality of the Plugin. ``` {% set yoursecondmodels = __SELF__. yoursecondmodels %} <div class="mb-3"> <label for="something" class="form-label"><strong>{{ 'contactform.label.something'|_ }}</strong></label> <select class="form-select" aria-label="select something" name="something" > <option selected value="0">{{ 'contactform.select.pleasechoose' |_ }}</option> {% for yoursecondmodel in yoursecondmodels|sort((a, b) => a.name <=> b.name) %} {% if assurance.type == 'kk' %} <option value="{{ yoursecondmodel.id }}">{{ yoursecondmodel.name }}</option> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </select> </div> ``` **Checkboxes with selection from a second model** No one is understanding multiselects - - so its getting complicating with checkboxes. Use again a component for that. In the default.htm: ``` {% set yourthirdmodels = __SELF__.yourthirdmodels %} <div class="mb-3"> <strong>{{ 'contactform.label.yourthirdmodels' |_ }}</strong><br> {% for yourthirdmodel in yourthirdmodels %} <div class="form-check form-check-inline"> <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="yourthirdmodel{{ yourthirdmodel.id }}" value="{{ yourthirdmodel.id }}" name="yourthirdmodel{{ yourthirdmodel.id }}" > <label class="form-check-label" for="yourthirdmodel{{ yourthirdmodel.id }}" > {{ yourthirdmodel.name }} </label> </div> {% endfor %} </div> ``` In the function onHandleForm() we have to add this: (and now I'm getting a the limit of my skills, you can surely do this more elegantly with some Laravel knowledge...) ``` $checkboxes = [ Input::get('yourthirdmodel1'), Input::get('yourthirdmodel2'), etc., ]; $checkboxesfiltered = array_filter($checkboxes); // and then $contact = new Contact(Input::except('yourthirdmodel1', 'yourthirdmodel2',etc.',etc')); f.e..... $contact->created_at = Carbon\Carbon::now(); f.e. ...... $contact->customMessages = []; etc... $contact->yourthirdmodels = $checkboxesfiltered; $contact->save(); ``` I know. But it works. **Mail Contents** You can pass field contents into the sent mails with simple twig tags {{ created_at }}. If you need multilanguage mail contents try to work with case 'de' {} case 'en' {}' in the send mail code and do different mail templates. I'm not sure if the Translation Plugin works in the mail templates.... - - - For our OctoberCMS Friends and the Google Index: Multi-language Bootstrap 5 Frontend October Form with File Upload, Checkboxes, Ajax Validation, Mails and editable Backend.
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