Display Next & Previous record buttons in a form
If you would like to display "Previous" and "Next" buttons in the backend forms of your Winter CMS project you can do the following. This trick assumes you are implementing the FormController
and ListController
In your Controller, override the action method you would like to see the buttons in to include the following:
public function preview($id)
$record = $this->formFindModelObject($id);
// Initialize the ListController
// Get the position of the current record within the current list set
$listQuery = $this->listGetWidget()->prepareQuery();
$totalRecords = $listQuery->count();
\DB::statement(\DB::raw('set @row_num=0'));
$listQuery->selectRaw('@row_num:= @row_num + 1 as `record_position`');
$previousId = 0;
$nextId = 0;
$currentIndex = null;
// Note, if you have few records overall but massive sizes per record you can use
// $listQuery->cursor() to make one DB query per record instead of loading them all at once
foreach ($listQuery->get() as $listRecord) {
if ($listRecord->getKey() === $record->getKey()) {
$currentIndex = $listRecord->record_position;
} elseif ($currentIndex) {
$nextId = $listRecord->getKey();
} else {
$previousId = $listRecord->getKey();
$this->vars = array_merge($this->vars, [
'previousUrl' => $previousId ? Backend::url('myauthor/myplugin/mycontroller/preview/' . $previousId) : '',
'nextUrl' => $nextId ? Backend::url('myauthor/myplugin/mycontroller/' . $nextId) : '',
'currentIndex' => $currentIndex,
'totalRecords' => $totalRecords,
if (!$record->is_read) {
return $this->asExtension('FormController')->preview($id);
And then in your action view file (i.e. preview.htm
), you can include the following:
Record <strong><?= e($currentIndex); ?></strong> of <strong><?= e($totalRecords); ?></strong>. <a href="<?= \Backend::url('myauthor/myplugin/mycontroller/'); ?>">View all</a>
class="btn btn-primary wn-icon-chevron-left"
onClick="window.location.assign('<?= e($previousUrl); ?>');"
<?php if (!$previousUrl) : ?>disabled="disabled"<?php endif; ?>
class="btn btn-primary wn-icon-chevron-right"
onClick="window.location.assign('<?= e($nextUrl); ?>');"
<?php if (!$nextUrl) : ?>disabled="disabled"<?php endif; ?>
This will take into account the currently applied column orders and list filters present on the index page for your controller.
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