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Find all Blog Posts that have a translation in a specific locale

by mjauvin, last modified on July 23rd, 2021 - Previously published on OctoberTricks

If you need to find all Blog Posts that have a translation in a specific locale, use this:

$locale = 'fr';
$posts =  RainLab\Blog\Models\Post::whereHas('translations', function ($query) use ($locale) {
    $query->where('locale', $locale)->whereRaw("attribute_data not like '%\"content\":\"\"%'");

Note: this obviously does not work for the DEFAULT locale

This can easily be integrated with the blogPosts component by adding this in your PHP code section:

function onStart()
    $locale = $this->activeLocale;
    if ($locale === 'fr') {
        $untranslatedPostIds = RainLab\Blog\Models\Post::whereDoesntHave('translations', function ($query) use ($locale) { 
            $query->where('locale', $locale)->whereRaw("attribute_data not like '%\"content\":\"\"%'");
        $this->blogPosts->setProperty('exceptPost', $untranslatedPostIds);



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