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Vite - compile assets copying the source structure

by DamsFX, last modified on December 7th, 2024

When compiling theme assets with Vite, the assets are all stored in the themes\mytheme\assets\dist folder.

The result folder structure is :

├─ assets
│   ├─ dist
│   │   ├─ manifest.json
│   │   ├─ theme-mytheme-xxxxx.css
│   │   └─ theme-mytheme-xxxxx.js
│   ├─ src
│   │   ├─ css
|   │   │   └─ theme-mytheme.css
│   │   └─ js
|   │       └─ theme-mytheme.js

If you want the dist folder to mimic the src one, you can update your vite.confg.mjs file to add the following :

build: {
    outDir: 'assets/dist',
    assetsDir: '',
    rollupOptions: {
        output: {
            assetFileNames: ({name}) => {
                let extType = name.split('.').at(1);
                if (/\.css$/.test(name ?? '')) {
                    extType = 'css';
                if (/\.(gif|jpe?g|png|svg|ico)$/.test(name ?? '')) {
                    extType = 'images';
                if (/.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf)/.test(name ?? '')) {
                    extType = 'fonts';
                return `${extType}/[name]-[hash][extname]`;
            chunkFileNames: 'js/[name]-[hash].js',
            entryFileNames: 'js/[name]-[hash].js',
experimental: {
    renderBuiltUrl: function (filename, { hostId, hostType, type }) {
        if (type === 'asset') {
            if (hostType === 'css') {
                return filename.replace(/(?<type>images|fonts)/i, '../$<type>');

The result folder structure will become :

├─ assets
│   ├─ dist
|   │   ├─ css
│   │   │   └─  theme-mytheme-xxxxx.css
|   │   ├─ js
│   │   │   └─ theme-mytheme-xxxxx.js
│   │   └─  manifest.json
│   ├─ src
│   │   ├─ css
|   │   |   └─ theme-mytheme.css
│   │   ├─ js
|   │   |   └─ theme-mytheme.js



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